«Parker says she’s always surprised when people ask if she’s sick of being associated with Carrie.» #entrevista #australia #sarahjessicaparker #carriebradshaw #sexinthecity #lamarquesamagazine www.lamarquesa.es

» Parker dice que siempre está sorprendido cuando la gente le pregunta si está enferma de estar asociada con Carrie.» #entrevista #Australia #sarahjessicaparker #carriebradshaw #sexinthecity #lamarquesamagazine www.lamarquesa.es

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‘Five life lessons Sarah Jessica Parker taught me over breakfast’

'Five life lessons Sarah Jessica Parker taught me over breakfast'By Shelly Horton| 9 hours agoI just had breakfast with Sarah Jessica Parker. Okay, so there were 2000 other women there, but hey — I felt like it was a girlie chat over New York bagel.The biggest gem I took away from her chat was to …


Artículo anteriorSarah Jessica Parker tells fans to step back as she’s mobbed in Sydney
Artículo siguienteNuestro gastrónomo Pedro G. Mocholí disfruta en la Universidad Francisco de Vito…